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Podcast: Keeping tabs on mangroves.


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We engage citizen scientists to collect scientifically robust data, and can then deliver it back that to stakeholders and decisionmakers, to lead to more effective management of mangroves.

Mangroves and saltmarsh are important coastal ecosystems that help purify water, buffer coastal communities from extreme weather, and provide fish nurseries for our recreational and commercial fishing industries. They’re also among the most efficient ecosystems in the world at sequestering and storing carbon – but are under threat from climate change as well as local pressures such as urban development, rubbish, pollution and weeds.Alex Sinchak leads the Cairns and Far North Environment Centre’s MangroveWatch program, which harnesses the power of citizen science to protect and preserve mangrove and saltmarsh habitats.

Join us as Alex shares some very cool mangrove facts and explains how the program has gone from strength to strength in expanding its monitoring program thanks to monitoring contributions form more than 400 volunteers.

Further informationCAFNEC’s MangroveWatch Program

MangroveWatch Australia

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