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Partner Profile: Tangaroa Blue

Tangaroa Blue Foundation is an Australia-wide not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the removal and prevention of marine debris.

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Practical solutions to reduce ocean pollution

The registered charity is focused on the health of our marine environment, and coordinates the Australian Marine Debris Initiative, an on-ground network of volunteers, communities, organisations and agencies around the country monitoring the impacts of marine debris along their stretch of coastline.

Since the program started in 2004, more than 17 million pieces of marine debris have been removed from the Australian coastline and data on this debris collated and inputted into the Australian Marine Debris Database.

The database is used to identify what is impacting different sections of the coast, and then to track where those items are coming from. Stakeholders are then brought together to work on practical solutions and create source reduction plans to stop marine debris from entering oceans in the first place. The database has open access to all contributors, and has been used by CSIRO, James Cook University, all levels of government and communities.

The data from AMDI is being utilised for the litter index in the Wet Tropics Report Card.

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