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Partner Profile: Hinchinbrook Shire Council

A Reef Guardian Council, Hinchinbrook Shire Council is based in Ingham and oversees the southernmost area of the Wet Tropics, which encompasses nationally significant wetlands and is a recreational fishing hotspot.

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Hinchinbrook Shire Council is a Reef Guardian Council

With its world-class waterways and natural assets, Hinchinbrook Shire Council is a proud member of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority’s Reef Guardian Council’s program, a collaborative stewardship arrangement between local councils in the Great Barrier Reef catchment and GBRMPA. Their Reef Guardian action plan addressed climate change, coastal development and land based run-off.

Hinchinbrook Shire Council has also been involved in a number of projects that build the resilience of coastal ecosystems. The Council is currently working with Terrain NRM and the Herbert River Catchment and Landcare Group to to reinstate and maximise the functional connectivity of the Herbert floodplain. This will enable native fish and other aquatic species to access the different aquatic ecosystems needed for their lifecycle.

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