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Partner Profile: Canegrowers

CANEGROWERS is a not-for-profit public organisation providing a professional and cohesive voice for the members of 13 local grower companies, located in all of the sugarcane regions of Queensland, including the Wet Tropics.

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Smartcane BMP: Your Farm, Your Way

CANEGROWERS work with members to ensure their sugarcane businesses are productive and profitable as well as sustainable, and advocates for government policy that facilitates this.

Smartcane BMP is the sugarcane industry’s voluntary best practice program. Its three core modules focus on both water quality and productivity. Growers who become accredited in the core modules of Smartcane BMP are deemed by the Queensland Government to be meeting the requirements of regulations to improve catchment water quality.  This is additional recognition that growers are demonstrating their environmental stewardship of land adjacent to the Reef lagoon.

CANEGROWERS are also actively involved in a number of reef water quality programs funded by government that are working with farmers to change land management practices.

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