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Partner Profile: Australian Prawn Farmers Association

The Australian Prawn Farmers Association (APFA) is the peak representative organisation for the Australian farmed prawn industry.

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The voice of the Australian Prawn industry

APFA represents the common interest of members, promotes and supports all aspects of the industry and is committed to assisting prawn farmers’ efforts to be prepared for risks, innovative, profitable, competitive and world leaders in the global prawn farm industry.

APFA provides the link for communications between growers and related sectors including infrastructure suppliers, the finance sector, retailers and exporters, technologists, researchers and all levels of government.

One of the primary functions of APFA is to oversee and manage national Research and Development investment in farmed prawn related research. APFA has a dedicated RD&E sub-committee and the Association was the first seafood industry to introduce a compulsory RD&E levy.

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