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Partner Profile: Australian Government

The Australian Government has provided significant investment into onground projects to protect the Great Barrier Reef through the Reef Trust.

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Reef Trust is the Australian Government's investment program to support the delivery of the Reef 2050 Long Term Sustainability Plan

Since 2008 the Australian Government has funded several projects designed to improve water quality flowing off the land into the reef. These included:

  • Reef Rescue/Reef Programme (2008-2016) – $65m invested acorss all catchments to facilitate change in farming practices
  • Reef Trust Phase 1 Tenders (2014-2018) – $1.7m allocated through a competitive market-based tender program to support sugarcane farmers in reducing applied nitrogen fertiliser.
  • Reef Trust III (2016-2019) – $50m in total of which $10m was invested into reducing nutrient and pesticide runoff from Wet Tropics cane farms.
  • Project Uplift (2016-2019) – $17.3m to support cane farmers in adopting the Six Easy Steps.
  • Reef Trust Repeated Tenders (2017-2022) – $5m to support cane farmers in reducing nitrogen fertiliser
  • Reef Trust Gully & Grazing Program (2017-2022) – $3m to reduce fine sediment flowing into the Herbert catchment
  • Reef Trust VII Fish Homes & Highways (2020-2023) – $5m to improve fish habitat connectivity

Find out more about Reef Trust:

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