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Healthy waterways underpin our lifestyles and livelihoods. When waterways thrive, so do we.
Most waterways have been graded ‘good’ or ‘very good’ in the latest Wet Tropics Waterway Health Report Card, with the big news being a drop in pesticide runoff.
Pesticide runoff from farms into local waterways has dropped, particularly in the southern Wet Tropics region, a new report into waterway health has revealed.
Wet Tropics Waterways Chair, Dr Greg Vinall, said the latest Wet Tropics Waterway Health Report Card reveals that most freshwater rivers and estuaries from the Daintree to Ingham’s Herbert River continue to be in ‘good’ or ‘very good’ condition. However the standout result is a recent drop in pesticide detection levels in several Wet Tropics catchments.
“After several years of increases – which spiked between 2016-2018 – there is now clear evidence of a downward trend,” he said. “This is particularly true for the pesticide chemical called imidacloprid which is highly soluble and mobile, with a high risk of ending up in waterways where it is detrimental for aquatic bugs and crustaceans.”
Dr Vinall said the turnaround was a direct result of positive action taken by the agricultural industry to reverse the trend.
Imidacloprid is an insecticide used by the agricultural industry to control outbreaks of cane grub, a beetle that feeds on sugar cane roots, causing the plant to die.
Greg Shannon, Cane Productivity and Development Manager at Tully Sugar, said imidacloprid is invaluable to cane growers.
“Imidacloprid is currently the only solution available for controlling cane grub outbreaks, so it is essential that the industry keeps its social licence to use it,” he said.
“As detections of imidacloprid were increasing, we got together with industry partners to deliver a program to raise grower awareness. There was very strong buy-in from growers because using less imidacloprid is a win-win.
“Growers are also dealing with a soil disease, Pachymetra, which has similar symptoms to a cane grub outbreak. Sugar cane varieties have been developed, and successfully trialled, that are resistant to the soil disease and that’s helped growers to use imidacloprid more strategically. Growers have also been modifying equipment to improve insecticide placement depth and soil coverage, further reducing losses to the environment.”
As a result, less than five per cent of water samples collected in the 2019-20 wet season in the Tully catchment exceeded imidacloprid guidelines– compared to about 30 per cent in 2016-2017. Since then, the pesticide toxicity risk of imidacloprid in 2021-22 has declined, in the Tully and other catchments, to the lowest recorded level since monitoring began in 2016.
The annual Wet Tropics Waterway Health Report Card assesses the region’s nine catchments and eight estuaries, as well as the inshore marine and offshore marine zones, by analysing and integrating scientific monitoring data contributed by a number of organisations.
Produced annually by Wet Tropics Waterways Partnership, the report card is an initiative under the Reef 2050 Water Quality Improvement Plan, an Australian and Queensland Government framework to improve the quality of water flowing to the Great Barrier Reef lagoon.
The report card is also building a more comprehensive picture of fish barriers in the region.
“Fish populations and diversity are an important indicator of waterway health,’’ Dr Vinall said. “However, there are thousands of fish barriers in the Wet Tropics, such as causeways, weirs and culverts, that stop fish moving between freshwater and estuary habitats to complete their life cycles.
“A study just completed by Terrain NRM has prioritised 200 fish barriers in the Daintree, Dickson Inlet and Barron estuaries that need remediating to improve fish passage between different environments. The next step is to identify funding opportunities to start fixing them so we can increase fish movement and improve fish stocks for both commercial and recreational fishers.”
Minister for the Environment and the Great Barrier Reef, Leanne Linard, commended the Partnership on the release of its 2023 Report Card.
“It’s wonderful to see the collaboration across government, industry and community, working together to better understand and protect the health of local waterways,” Ms Linard said.
“Healthy waterways deliver many benefits for the local community and are vital to the health of the Great Barrier Reef. That’s why the Palaszczuk Government is providing $1.25 million for Reef Regional Waterway Partnerships this year, part of a $3.75 million commitment over three years.”
The Wet Tropics Waterways Partnership is supported by the Queensland and Australian governments, local councils, industry, community and other partners including the host of the partnership, Terrain NRM.
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Martine joined the Wet Tropics Waterways team as a Science Technical Officer in early 2024 and is keen to apply her experience in statistical programming and database development for the Report Card.
She is an environmental scientist and ecologist and has worked on water quality and aquatic ecology projects as a consultant and in private industry for over 20 years.
Martine has many hobbies and is currently dabbling in horticulture.
With a degree in marine biology and zoology from JCU, Phil has had a diverse career covering research in fisheries biology, 15 years in reef tourism and 13 years with GBRMPA delivering engagement and partnerships programs. Since 2019 he has been self-employed and operates as a consultant to a range of stakeholders on waterway related programs.
He is a keen fisherman.
James joined Wet Tropics Waterways as Executive Officer in 2021 and is passionate about working with stakeholders to communicate the value of our unique waterways. His role involves facilitating and coordinating our partnership program, growing our network and investment into the report card program, and science communication. James oversaw the 2022 Innovations in Waterway Health Forum, and hosted season four of the Reef and Rivers podcast.
James is an ecologist and has previously worked on wetland management in the Murray Darling basin, fish passage in Mackay, and aquatic research in the Wet Tropics.
Outside of work you’ll find him in a local waterway with a mask and snorkel, or hiking or biking around our beautiful region.
Richard has been the Science Technical Officer for Wet Tropics Waterways since 2016. His role involves producing the annual results for the waterway health assessment of the wet tropics region using data from a wide range of sources, to present as scores and grades, as well as developing new indicators to address knowledge and monitoring gaps. He works in collaboration with technical staff at other regional report cards.
Richard has a background in freshwater ecology research projects and environmental assessments with CSIRO, University of Queensland, Queensland Government and as a consultant. For a long time he’s been interested in freshwater aquaculture and continues this interest through farming freshwater crayfish, alongside other farming activities.